
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Horns of Odin

This is my second attempt at a design based on the triple horns of Odin, except this time I didn't mix a triskel in it. :p
And also, the date (winter solstice in a few days) kinda fit for this design, I guess. Happy Yule in advance.
Horns of Odin tattoo


  1. Hi :) Would you mind if I get that tattoed on my arm? :P

  2. No problem, you can do it :)

  3. Thank you :) It looks awesome ^^

  4. i would like to ask permittion to use this for my next tattoo

  5. ObelixDk: You have the permission :) I hope it will turn nice.

  6. Thank you very much... and yeah i noticed the wrong spelling AFTER i hit post :p

    I am getting in made on my next trip to thailand in august.. if you want i can send picture to you how it turned out :)

  7. That is awesome, Initially I was going to go for the original trihorn symbol but with your permission I would rather have this one instead. It nicely ties in both Norse and Celtic designs.

  8. Xenomemphate: Thank you :) And sure you can use it for a tattoo, I made those designs for that :D

  9. i have the tattoo made now, and as soon as i have a decent pic of it (when healed up) i will send to you

  10. ObelixDk: great!, thanks in advance :)

  11. this one looks great, can i use it? my whole back is filled with viking mythologie and this would make a great neckpiece.

  12. Basjuh: You can use it, yes :)

  13. hmm.. very intersting ! Did you design it yourself or did the odins already have triple-horns? The reason for asking this is the Ottomons-Turks did have a tripple-half-moon design as a signature like this too !


    Our Turkish-flag is also a half-moon wich can be seen as a horn of a OX wich was a holy sybol in ancient Turkish history!

    I also saw odin with 2 wolfs on google while surfing wich again is a holy animal in ancient and present Turkish world.

    This could all be coincedense because these animals and symbols are all international commmonly used symbols in asia and other continents but it was remarkable similarities!

    1. The 3 horns are an existing symbol for Odin, it can be found on a few old rune stones (e.g. ) but I think the very "clean" version (the one I used) is a modern rendition of the symbol.
      They are supposed to be 3 drinking horns, so that's why they don't look like 3 moon crescent.
      But still, it's funny to see how between different cultures, some symbols can look a bit the same. As you said, it can be a coincidence, but on the other hand, vikings traveled a lot, even to the Black Sea (and there was certainly Ottoman-Turks travelers too), so maybe there was some influence somewhere. :)

    2. Yes, today i read something about Vikings and Huns living side by side in the black sea region 2000 years ago(to be exact crimea region).I dont know wheter this is true but this could explain a lot :)! Take care good luck with your tattoos!

  14. By the way nice job looks very good ! (forgot to mention this in my previous message sry)

  15. That is nice my I also use it as a tatoo

    1. Yep.
      As written on the right side of that blog : "You are free to get tattooed any of the tattoo designs I draw"

  16. That is beautiful! May I borrow the pic?

    1. Thanks :)
      You may use it as long as you comply with the license (or in a simplified version: if with the image you provide a link to that blog, I consider it's ok)


    There you go, thanks so much for letting me use this.

    1. Thanks a lot for the photo and feedback :)

  18. My grandson's name is would love to have your permission to have this tattoo done.

  19. Im looking for a tri horn of odin picture to use for a symbol of my country for my LARP group. would I be able to use yours? there is no profit in it, we would wear it on our tabbards, flag, and shields.

    1. I suppose that it's ok for a LARP group :) Just be aware that it's not very original as it was already used as tattoo and car decoration too :] .

  20. Hey :) so generally, you give permission for the non commercial use of your work? like mentioned before tatoos etc? :)

  21. aww dude its awsome i want to make it on my back
    but could you make it with 2 crows?

    1. Thanks!
      Find a good tattoo artist, bring him that image as a base and ask him to add crows. I'm sure the result will be hundred times better than anything I could do. (I suck at drawing animals ^^ )

  22. could I have permission to use this in a T-shirt design? I will give you credit for the image and put your name along inside of the t shirt design.

  23. Hi Rore,
    I´m a member of a little Dart-Team and we all have a faible for the celtic mythology. So I want to ask, if I may use your work for a Logo on our Team-shirts. Self-evidently would you get a credit on our website ( if we´re allowed to use this great pic. Many thanks in advance. Uli, the son of Odin

    1. Hi
      Yes, you can use it if you wish.
      (And in this case, it's Nordic mythology more than celtic ;) )

  24. where the brave will live forever

  25. Dear Rore:
    I have been looking for a great image of the horns of Odin to use on a gift for a friend. He already has a couple of tatoos, and this piece of your work would be perfect for what I would like to give him. I showed your work to his wife and she agreed that it is quite a great piece. My friend will love it! May i use this image?

  26. would i be able to use this image and add norse symbols around it? Im still unsure how the licence works

  27. Rore,

    Many thanks for the great rendition. My Dad was Danish and my Mother is Swedish. I would love to use this and have a tattoo done in memory of my Dad.


  28. Hello love, I saw your rendition of the horns and i would like to use this as a tattoo, i would like to receive permission before i "steal" the image. This is exactly what i wanted, you did a wonderful job :)

  29. Odin Türk tur ve Thor da oyle. Isvec lilerin Ata lari Türk dur ;)

  30. Someone is sell t-shirts on etsy with your design, did you approve of that. I don't want to fund a scammer.

  31. Hi, I really like your Horns of Odin design and would like your permission to use it for a tattoo please. I had a similar design in mind for the old god Tyr but the dragons on this are much more attractive. Del

  32. Was wondering if I could use this for some new ink on my arm

  33. Was wondering if I could use this for some new ink on my arm

  34. Hi I want to use the horns of odin design on a screen cover for my VW T4 camper van. So it will be a bit bigger than a tat. How does my manufacturer comply with your licensing agreement please.

  35. Dear Rore,
    I am always fascinated with Norse mythology, the history of Scandinavia and the deeds of vikings.May I use this piece of art as a tattoo in my arm?
    Thank you in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

  36. Helo Rore. I was wondering who made this.I Saw A motorcycle club in poland with that design on their back
